Saturday, February 19, 2011

Long time no see

For all of our regular blog viewers out there, we apologize for not updating our blog regularly.  The only excuse we have is that for the past 2 months, school as gotten the best of us.  Other than our lack of Vitamin D, we are doing just fine.  The sun came out about 4 times this month if I remember correctly, our other days have consisted of mostly cloudy to fully clouded skies with some rain and some fog here lately.  The Aurora Borealis was set to be seen here in Edinburgh on Thursday and Friday night, but unfortunately it was blocked by the clouds.

In other news, we are nearly half way through our year in Edinburgh.  It has been a great 6 months, and we can't wait for Spring!  The job search has begun and will hopefully end by the summer.  As of right now, we have no idea where we will be in 6 months, but we are anxious to find out.   Due to school taking over our lives, we unfortunately have no pictures to post, but that will hopefully change soon.  In the meantime enjoy the sun!