Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Abu Dhabi Answers

It has been a while since we have posted anything and people are starting to ask about it.  So, I have decided to take a break from writing my dissertation and write something less academic.  Actually, I have been taking many breaks from my dissertation as I inform myself more about our next adventure to Abu Dhabi.  I have been finding many interesting things both from the forums I have been in as well as on my own.  Since I have no pictures to post, I have decided to answer the most popular questions I have been receiving about Abu Dhabi living.  Obviously I don't live there yet, so the answers will be more precise once we move, but for now I will do what I can.

Allow me to ease some minds out there and let you know that we will not be living in a compound.  Apparently there are some places in the Middle East where teachers live in compounds and are supposed to stay in certain areas.   This is not the case in the UAE.  If it was, we would have some serious re-thinking to do as we quite enjoy exploring.  If you would like to see how teachers live in Abu Dhabi, there are numerous videos on  All you have to do is type in 'Apartments in Abu Dhabi' and many videos will pop up.  Not all are from teachers, but most are from Westerners or ex-pats.

I also found a link on the UAE Embassy in Washington which discusses the UAE relationship with the US throughout the years.  I found it pretty interesting.

Another interesting fact is that weekends in the UAE fall on Friday and Saturday as opposed to Saturday and Sunday.  That should be fun to get used to.

Finally, the clothes.  This will also be helpful for those who decide to visit us!  We can wear what we wear now!  Although it may be a bit hot, so we will actually be wearing shorter garments.  It is basically important that we dress short shorts, no revealing shirts and probably no bare sholders. We could wear those, but I think we would get a lot of stares, especially John.  Short sleeves, capris, and definitly shorts for guys are good to go!  As for teaching, it all depends on the school, but most likely my legs and arms will need to be covered.

When are we moving you ask....August.  That is about all I can say right now as thats about what I know.  The interesting part is, our tickets could arrive from 1 week to 1 day before we are expected to leave.  Talk about an interesting adventure!  Its a good thing we don't have a lot of stuff to pack as we moved here in 4 suitcases and will probably move again with 4 suitcases!