Thursday, November 20, 2014

Church Planting Life So Far

Planting a church is a ton of work.  It’s not that the work is difficult, but man is it selfless.  One of my biggest struggles thus far with this whole process has been giving up my personal time to intentionally be around other people.  I knew this would be a struggle so I began praying about it before we even moved here.  What is amazing is that now, after living this intentional life, I have seen the Holy Spirit working in those we have built relationships with, and it makes every minute of this worth it!

Our church that we have planted runs a little bit differently than any other church I have been in.  The most significant structural difference is a church service.  We don’t have one.  When I invite people to church, I don’t invite them to church.  They are invited to a weekly Bible study that we have, or into a disciple group.  The Bible study consists of our two church planting families, and a new middle school student.  Our disciple groups consist of neighbors or co-workers who we read a large portion of scripture with.  We meet weekly and discuss how we are living by what we read.   

What I like the most about the set-up of our church is, I have to be intentional.  It is my job to make sure the people I am meeting with are shown the truth of God’s word.  If I truly want to show them Christ, I can’t rely on a pastor or church service to do it (Granted I do ask Dave a ton of questions!).  I have to not only act out my faith by showing love, but I also have to be up on my game when it comes to God’s word.   One of the greatest things about being part of a disciple group is that I am held accountable each week to read scripture. Sometimes that means the entire book of Isaiah in two weeks, or the book of James 5-7 times a week.  How can I expect to disciple someone and help them follow Christ and God’s word if I don’t know it! I certainly still don’t know all of it, and that’s why I have an amazing church family to help me and guide me, but I have learned so much through the amount of Scripture that I have been reading. 

I have been asked a couple of times by different people, “Don’t you miss singing and worshipping with other believers?”  The first time I got this question, it wasn’t something I had really thought about.  I do like singing with other believers, but I sing by myself all the time to God and just hadn’t noticed it.  The second time I got this question, my answer was, “No.”  To be honest, I don’t miss it.  I know I am exactly where God wants me to be.   I don’t feel like I need to sing with a crowd of other believers to be sustained or renewed.  It kind of shocked me when I came to this conclusion because I really do love singing with other people. I just don’t miss it, crave it, or feel like I need it. 

If it is Gods will, then one day, Sentral Church will have an actual service in an actual building, with a worship leader and a crowd of people singing to the Lord.  Until then, we have a primary focus of serving God by making disciples who follow Christ, study His Word and make other disciples who do the same.   We don’t need anything else right now.